+ Cover, Scooter Weather
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7594 Starkey Road, Seminole, FL
(727) 319-6756

Cover, Scooter Weather

Scooter Weather Cover


  • Lightweight, durable black vinyl with black felt like backing.
  • Backing will not scratch the scooter or power chair and the black will not show any dirt.
  • Vinyl is very durable. It is lightweight and easy for user to put on and take off of mobility vehicle.
  • Weather resistant. Not porous. liquid will not saturate through the material.
  • Completely latex free.
  • High UV Rating. Tested under 650 hours of 350 UVA with no change.
  • Meets the fire retardant standards of California 117.1.


90 bonded polyester thread. As strong as Nylon, but with higher UV rating. Exact specs are on sheet labeled Anefil Polyester T-90.


1/8 inch solid braid nylon rope. Hot knife used to cut and melt rope for no fraying.

Cover Express Sizes:

Small Size Scooter Cover:   61"L X 41" H
Pride Mobility: Go Go Ultra x - Go Go Elite, all Pride GoGo models
Golden Technologies: Buzzaround, LiteRider
Drive Medical: Phoenix
EV Rider: MiniRider, RiderXpress
CTM: HS-125
Medium Size Scooter Cover:  74"L X 46"H
Pride Mobility: Victory 9, Victory 10, Celebrity
Merits : Pioneer 3- 4- 5
Golden Tech: Companion Scooter
Drive Medical: Daytona GT
Large Size Scooter:  86"L X 50" H
Pride Mobility: Pursuit, Pursuit XL, Wrangler, Hurrican
Golden Tech: Avenger GA-541
EV Rider: Royale, Vita, SportRider